Course Catalog » Course Listing for Biophysics

204A  Macromolecular Structure and Interactions  (4 units)   Fall

Instructor(s): R. Stroud       Prerequisite(s): None.

Restrictions: First year Biophysics and CCB students       Activities: Direct - Lecture, Direct - Lab-Skills, Direct - Lab-Science, Direct - Project, Direct - Discussion, Student - Lecture, Student - Project

In this course, we will pursue a qualitative & quantitative understanding of the physical basis of macromolecular function. We will examine: the nature & quantification of the forces that drive macromolecular interactions, both intramolecular (macromolecular folding), & with other proteins and ligands; diffusion & active transport of macromolecules; the structural underpinnings of the kinetics & thermodynamics of macromolecular reactions; & the physical basis of important biophysical methods.

204B  Methods in Macromolecular Structure  (4 units)   Winter

Instructor(s): J. Gross, D. Southworth       Prerequisite(s): None

Restrictions: None       Activities: Direct - Lecture, Direct - Lab-Skills, Direct - Lab-Science, Direct - Project, Direct - Field Work, Direct - Discussion, Student - Lecture, Student - Project

This is a team-based class where students work in small groups develop their own analysis of real data that they have collected. Statistical aspects of rigor and reproducibility in structural biology will be emphasized throughout lectures, journal club presentations, and hands-on activities.

205B  Biophysics of Cells, Tissues, & Systems  (3.5 - 4 units)   Winter

Instructor(s): S. Dumont, O. Weiner       Prerequisite(s): None.

Restrictions: None.       Activities: Direct - Lecture, Direct - Lab-Skills, Direct - Lab-Science, Direct - Discussion, Student - Lecture, Student - Discussion

This course will teach the fundamentals of dissecting and understanding complex biological systems using didactic instruction, discussions, and exams on the material.

215  Laboratory Rotation  (1 - 8 units)   Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

Instructor(s): Staff       Prerequisite(s): None

Restrictions: None       Activities: Direct - Lab-Science

An introduction to the specific research currently underway within a faculty member's laboratory.

219  Special Topics in Biophysics  (3 units)   Fall, Winter, Spring

Instructor(s): Staff       Prerequisite(s): None.

Restrictions: First-year graduate students; other graduate and professional students with permission of instructor.       Activities: Direct - Lecture, Direct - Independent Study, Direct - Conference, Student - Lecture

Each course offering will focus on the literature of a current important area of Biophysics. Students will be expected to read assigned papers critically before class and to present and discuss papers in class. Students will also be expected to write and present a brief research proposal based upon their reading. Topics in Molecular, Cellular, Developmental Systems and Computational Biology will be covered in individual courses.

220  Biophysics Seminar  (1 units)   Fall, Winter, Spring

Instructor(s): A. Frankel       Prerequisite(s): None.

Restrictions: n/a       Activities: Direct - Lecture, Student - Lecture

This course consists of presentation and discussion of research in quantitative biology and biophysics by outside speakers.

223  Scientific Communication Seminar  (1 units)   Fall, Winter, Spring

Instructor(s): A. Manglik, A. Williams, J. Christoph       Prerequisite(s): None

Restrictions: None       Activities: Direct - Seminar, Student - Seminar

This seminar will provide graduate students with a forum in which to develop seminar and poster presentation skills; critically organize and critically review scientific data; and analyze and question oral scientific presentations.

224  Critical Topics in Biophysics  (1 units)   Fall, Winter, Spring

Instructor(s): J. Wells, L. Wu       Prerequisite(s): None

Restrictions: None       Activities: Direct - Lecture, Student - Lecture

Critical review of published scientific papers from scholarly journals, including comprehension, analysis and evaluation of published scientific data.

241  Physical Biology  (5 units)   Fall

Instructor(s): M. Grabe       Prerequisite(s): none

Restrictions: none       Activities: Direct - Lecture, Student - Lecture

This is a course on molecular thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. It covers the concepts of entropy, enthalpy, heat capacity, free energy, ligand binding, solvation, the properties of water, the hydrophobic effect, solution electrostatics, adsorption, and physical and chemical kinetics.

250  Research  (1 - 8 units)   Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

Instructor(s): Staff       Prerequisite(s): BIOPHYSICS 204A, BIOPHYSICS 204B

Restrictions: NA       Activities: Conference, Project

In this course, students will work together with a primary research advisor to select a research question and design a project workplan that will be carried out by the student. Through this activity, the student will gain experience in research strategy, learn techniques associated with modern biomedical research and practice how to interpret results. At the conclusion of the course, the student will present on their progress.

297  Scientific writing: applying for the NSF predoctoral fellows  (1 units)   Fall

Instructor(s): B. Shoichet       Prerequisite(s): None

Restrictions: None       Activities: Direct - Seminar, Direct - Workshop, Student - Seminar, Student - Workshop

Communicating your best ideas is critical to obtaining the resources necessary to work on them. This course prepares you to conceive, organize, and communicate scientific ideas in written form. Built around the NSF GRF application, this course covers important funding agencies and fellowship opportunities, formulating a research plan in the form of hypotheses and specific aims, organizing research proposals,and peer editing. Course culminates in submission of materials to NSF and other agencies

299  Dissertation  (0 units)   Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

Instructor(s): Staff       Prerequisite(s): Advancement to candidacy and permission of the graduate adviser

Restrictions: Graduate students after advancement to candidacy      

For graduate students engaged in writing the dissertation for the PhD degree.

311  Curricular Development and Academic Leadership  (0.5 - 4 units)   Fall, Winter, Spring

Instructor(s): T. Kortemme       Prerequisite(s): None

Restrictions: Biophysics students only       Activities: Direct - Seminar, Direct - Workshop, Direct - Lab-Skills, Direct - Discussion, Student - Seminar, Student - Workshop, Student - Lab-Skills, Student - Discussion

The Curricular Development & Academic Leadership course will offer training and leadership to prepare graduate students in scientific leadership roles in the classroom and beyond. Students will have a hands-on approach to structuring and executing a curriculum. Students must submit an application prior to course enrollment.