Course Catalog » Nutrition 218

Subject: Nutrition
Course Number: 218
Course Title: Nutrition Therapy: Diet and Disease
Units: 2
School: Nursing
Department: Family Health Care Nursing

Course Description: In this course, students will analyze and discuss nutrition policy and research to understand the profound impact of diet on health and disease. They will learn about the impact of the microbiome and mitochondria on health and how to identify and correct nutrient deficiencies to promote optimal health in both the prevention and management of disease.
Prerequisites: None.
Restrictions: None.
Activities: Online - Web-based course work, Student - Web-based course work

Instructor of Record: C. Belew
May the student choose the instructor for this course? No
Does enrollment in this course require instructor approval? No

Quarter(s) Offered: Winter
Course Grading Convention: Letter Grade, P/NP (Pass/Not Pass) or S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory)
Graduate Division course: Yes
Is this a web-based online course? Yes
Is this an Interprofessional Education (IPE) course? No
May students in the Graduate Division (i.e. pursuing Master or PhD) enroll in this course? Yes
Repeat course for credit? No