Course Catalog » Nursing 273B

Subject: Nursing
Course Number: 273B
Course Title: Issues in Occupational Health
Max units: 0.5
School: Nursing
Department: Community Health Care Systems

Course Description: Course will provide a discussion forum of current events, including research, regulation, and health policy impacting occupational and environment health. In addition, students will attend Grand Rounds offered by the Division of Occupational & Environmental Medicine. They will learn about current scientific research and health care delivery systems in occupational health and summarize key elements presented. This course is a longitudinal, 3-term (FA-WI-SP) 0.5 unit course.
Prerequisites: none
Restrictions: None
Activities: Direct - Seminar, Student - Seminar

Instructor of Record: O. Hong
May the student choose the instructor for this course? No
Does enrollment in this course require instructor approval? No

Quarter(s) Offered: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer
Course Grading Convention: P/NP (Pass/Not Pass) or S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory), In Progress (IP, SP/UP) grading allowed, Term for final grade assignment: Spring
Graduate Division course: Yes
Is this a web-based online course? No
Is this an Interprofessional Education (IPE) course? No
May students in the Graduate Division (i.e. pursuing Master or PhD) enroll in this course? Yes
Repeat course for credit? Yes