Subject: Genetic Counseling
Course Number: 218
Course Title: Advanced Medical Genetics III
Units: 2.5
School: Graduate Division
Department: Genetic Counseling Program
Course Description: This is the final Advanced Medical Genetics course. Discussion of conditions with complex and non-Mendelian inheritance patterns continues along with an intro to metabolic diseases and therapeutic interventions. Students will learn from and interact with topic experts using a case-based learning format. Resources for case management and patient support will also be integrated throughout the curriculum. Critical thinking and an applied evaluation framework for genetic conditions is emphasized.
Prerequisites: GENCOUNSEL 211
Restrictions: Genetic Counseling students only
Activities: Direct - Lecture, Student - Lecture
Instructor of Record: C. Morgan
May the student choose the instructor for this course? No
Does enrollment in this course require instructor approval? No
Quarter(s) Offered: Spring
Course Grading Convention: Letter Grade
Graduate Division course: Yes
Is this a web-based online course? No
Is this an Interprofessional Education (IPE) course? No
May students in the Graduate Division (i.e. pursuing Master or PhD) enroll in this course? Yes
Repeat course for credit? No