Course Catalog » Nursing, Advanced Practice 421

Subject: Nursing, Advanced Practice
Course Number: 421
Course Title: FNP Reproductive Health Clinical Practicum A
Units: 3
School: Nursing
Department: Family Health Care Nursing

Course Description: This course offers opportunities to apply and evaluate theories, concepts and skills in clinical settings under the supervision of a clinical preceptor. Focus is on the development of the family nurse generalist in a reproductive health care setting, emphasizing health promotion, health maintenance, and illness prevention within the context of collaborative practice.
Prerequisites: Successful completion NURSADVPR 208 and SKILLS LAB 420
Restrictions: None.
Activities: Direct - Clinical Experience/Patient Contact, Student - Clinical Experience/Patient Contact

Instructor of Record: A. Kuster
May the student choose the instructor for this course? No
Does enrollment in this course require instructor approval? No

Quarter(s) Offered: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer
Course will not be offered in: Spring 2025, Summer 2025, Fall 2025, Winter 2026
Course Grading Convention: P/NP (Pass/Not Pass) or S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory)
Graduate Division course: Yes
Is this a web-based online course? No
Is this an Interprofessional Education (IPE) course? No
May students in the Graduate Division (i.e. pursuing Master or PhD) enroll in this course? Yes
Repeat course for credit? Yes