Course Catalog » Course Listing for Dental Public Health

177  Global Oral Health Seminar  (2 units)   Winter

Instructor(s): B. Chaffee       Prerequisite(s): None

Restrictions: None       Activities: Direct - Lecture, Direct - Seminar, Student - Lecture, Student - Seminar

This lecture and seminar-based elective approaches selected oral health topics from a global perspective, including: socio-structural determinants of health, the global burden of oral diseases, oral health inequalities, community and population approaches to oral health promotion, and integration of oral health professionals into interdisciplinary global health partnerships. Also covered will be global oral health research methodology, ethics, and participation in global oral health research.

189.02  Community Health Clinic Practice  (0.5 units)   Fall, Winter, Spring

Instructor(s): M. Tuft       Prerequisite(s): none

Restrictions: none       Activities: Direct - Clinical Experience/Patient Contact

Students will work under the supervision of faculty and licensed residents.Students will provide dental care while also learning and peer-teaching with faculty supervision. They will also learn to cultivate sensitivity and comfort to a multicultural and diverse patient population.

200  Ethical Considerations in Clinical & Public Health Dentistry  (2 units)   Winter

Instructor(s): E. Obadan-Udoh       Prerequisite(s): None

Restrictions: Enrollment in a dental postgraduate specialty program or the Oral and Craniofacial Sciences graduate program, except with the permission of the instructor.       Activities: Direct - Lecture, Student - Lecture

This is a classroom based course, using lectures, case studies and interactive learning strategies geared towards stimulating discussions on dental ethical dilemmas and arguments for both sides of the conversation. Each student must remain current by attending and participating with each weekly session and complete associated assignments within the period described. Students will meet once a week for a classroom based session with the instructor.

215  Designing Clinical and Population Health Research (DCPHR)  (1.5 - 2 units)   Summer

Instructor(s): S. Banava, G. Taylor, A. Yansane, S. Gansky       Prerequisite(s): None

Restrictions: None       Activities: Direct - Lecture, Direct - Workshop, Student - Workshop, Student - Project, Asynchronous - Lecture

Designing Clinical and Population Health Research (DCPHR) is a postgraduate course encompassing a wide range of research-related topics, including research methods and designs, study protocol development, survey design, basic statistics, and data measurement.

400  Dental Public Health Projects  (0 - 8 units)   Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

Instructor(s): E. Obadan-Udoh, S. Banava       Prerequisite(s): none

Restrictions: Postgraduate students enrolled in the UCSF Dental Public Health Residency Program.       Activities: Direct - Lecture, Direct - Project, Student - Lecture

The DPH postgraduate program is designed to provide students with adequate preparation for the board certification examination by the American Board of Dental Public Health (ABDPH). One major research project involving independent study under the supervision of the DPH program director or a member of the faculty with the approval of the program director shall be required to complete this course.

410  Dental Public Health Core and Contemporary Topics Seminar  (0 - 14 units)   Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

Instructor(s): G. Taylor, S. Gansky, L. Berens, C. Kearns, H. Pollick, A. Yansane, B. Chaffee, B. Mertz, E. Obadan-Udoh, S. Banava, K. Hoeft       Prerequisite(s): none

Restrictions: Enrollment in the Dental Public Health Postgraduate Program.       Activities: Direct - Seminar, Student - Seminar

This course will equip DPH postgraduate students with the core and contemporary knowledge expected of a DPH specialist as outlined by the American Board of Dental Public Health (ABDPH). This course comprises:Textbook Review and Critical Summaries, Core DPH Topics Seminars, Contemporary DPH Topics Literature Review Workshops, ABDPH Certification Examination Prep Sessions, and Career Q and A Chats with DPH professionals.

420  Dental Public Health Field Site Experience  (0 - 12 units)   Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

Instructor(s): L. Berens, S. Fisher-Owens, S. Banava       Prerequisite(s): No

Restrictions: Enrollment limited to postgraduate students enrolled in the UCSF Dental Public Health Residency Program.       Activities: Direct - Lecture, Direct - Workshop, Direct - Project, Direct - Field Work, Student - Lecture

The Dental Public Health Field Site Experience course is designed to provide postgraduate students with targeted experiential learning in a real-world public health department/community-based setting under the supervision of the DPH program director or a member of the UCSF faculty. It builds upon the core DPH knowledge gained in the classroom and equips students with practical skills to fulfill the DPH competencies outlined by the American Board of Dental Public Health (ABDPH).

430  Quality Improvement in Dental Care Settings  (0 - 4.5 units)   Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

Instructor(s): C. Kearns, E. Obadan-Udoh, S. Fisher-Owens, J. Star       Prerequisite(s): None

Restrictions: Limited to students enrolled in the Dental Public Health Residency Program and others per Instructor approval.       Activities: Direct - Seminar, Direct - Project, Student - Seminar

This course introduces concepts needed to implement and evaluate quality improvement projects in a dental practice setting. Students will learn how to use the Model of Improvement developed by the Dental Quality Alliance and the basic steps for an improvement project: set an aim, select measures, develop ideas for changes, and test changes using Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycles. Students will complete either a clinical or operational quality improvement project at a field site location.

440  Introduction to Dental Public Health  (2 units)   Fall

Instructor(s): K. Hoeft, E. Obadan-Udoh, L. Berens, C. Kearns       Prerequisite(s): N/A

Restrictions: Enrollment in a dental postgraduate specialty program (e.g., dental public health or pediatric dentistry residency program) or by permission of course director       Activities: Direct - Seminar, Student - Seminar

The purpose of this didactic course is to introduce learners to core dental public health theories, principles and approaches, including: Social Determinants of Oral Health, Oral Health Literacy, Oral Health Promotion, Patient-Provider Communication, Cultural Competency, and Oral Health Policy and Advocacy. Each student will create an individual presentation that applies the principles of the dental public health to a theoretical or actual application.

475  Dental Public Health Lecture Series  (1 units)   Fall, Winter, Spring

Instructor(s): G. Taylor, H. Pollick, E. Obadan-Udoh       Prerequisite(s): None

Restrictions: None       Activities: Direct - Lecture, Student - Lecture

The Dental Public Health Lecture Series covers various topics including access to and quality of dental care, community-based preventive dentistry, dental public health programs and evidence-based dental public health services. Postgraduate students will use the information to help fulfill the Dental Public Health Competencies for Dental Public Health Specialists. Specific content of each lecture will be topical and presented by invited guest lecturers from around California and the country.