200 Introduction to Neuroscience. Essential Concepts & Methods (2.5 units) Fall
Instructor(s): V. Sohal Prerequisite(s): There are no prerequisites, but permission of instructor in charge is required.
Restrictions: This course is intended for entering first year Ph.D. students in the Neuroscience program. Others may be admitted as space permits. Activities: Direct - Lecture, Direct - Lab-Skills, Direct - Conference, Student - Lecture
This course will include lectures on basic methods used for neuroscience research, laboratories that demonstrate these methods and conferences that discuss their applicability and caveats. The course is designed to prepare our entering students for laboratory rotations and the core course. The material presented should also help them understand seminars and journal clubs.
201A Basic Concepts in Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience (5 units) Fall
Instructor(s): K. Bender, R. Edwards, L. Jan, R. Nicoll, M. Scanziani, V. Sohal, M. Von Zastrow Prerequisite(s): None.
Restrictions: This course is required for first year Neuroscience students. It is open to additional students as space allows and with the approval of the instructor. Activities: Direct - Lecture, Direct - Seminar, Student - Lecture, Student - Seminar
An interdisciplinary introduction to fundamental aspects of nervous system function including neurocytology, neuroanatomy, electrical excitability, synaptic transmission, signal transduction, genetics, and neurodevelopment.
201B Basic Concepts for Cellular and Developmental Neuroscience (4 units) Winter
Instructor(s): J. Chan, A. Kao Prerequisite(s): None
Restrictions: None Activities: Direct - Seminar, Direct - Discussion, Student - Seminar, Student - Discussion
Introduction to fundamental aspects of nervous system development, including patterning, neuronal specification and function, glial cells of the nervous system, and application-based molecular/cellular neuroscience methods.
201C Introduction to Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience (4 units) Spring
Instructor(s): K. Yackle Prerequisite(s): NEUROSCI 201A and NEUROSCI 201B, or consent of course director.
Restrictions: None. Activities: Direct - Lecture, Direct - Discussion, Student - Lecture
An overview of basic cell biology and neural development. Topics will include membrane trafficking, neuronal cytoskeleton, axon guidance, synapse formation, cell cycle, neuronal cell fate determination, neuronal stem cells, and patterning of the vertebrate brain.
215 Laboratory Rotation (8 - 12 units) Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer
Instructor(s): Staff Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
Restrictions: none Activities: Direct - Lab-Science
A laboratory rotation course to familiarize new departmental graduate students with various approaches to neurobiological research.
219 Special Topics in Basic and Translational Neuroscience (3 units) Fall, Winter, Spring
Instructor(s): Staff Prerequisite(s): None. Completion of first year curriculum in Neuroscience or another experimental biology graduate program is helpful, but not essential.
Restrictions: Neuroscience graduate students, other graduate and professional students with interest in neuroscience. Permission from instructor is required. Activities: Direct - Lecture, Direct - Independent Study, Direct - Conference, Student - Lecture
Each course offering will focus on the literature of a current important area of Neuroscience research. Students will be expected to read assigned papers critically before class and to present and discuss papers in class. Students will also be expected to write and present a brief research proposal based upon their reading. Topics in molecular, cellular, developmental, systems & computational neuroscience, and neurological & behavioral disorders will be covered in separate course offerings.
220 Neuroscience Journal Club (1 units) Fall, Winter, Spring
Instructor(s): Staff Prerequisite(s): None
Restrictions: None Activities: Direct - Seminar, Student - Seminar
Pertinent papers from the recent neuroscience literature are read and discussed. Each student must participate regularly and present one paper per quarter.
221 Current Topics in Neuroscience (1 units) Fall, Winter, Spring
Instructor(s): Z. Knight Prerequisite(s): None.
Restrictions: Neuroscience graduate student, or permission from instructor. Activities: Direct - Seminar, Student - Seminar
Students will become familiarized with cutting-edge experimental findings in cellular, molecular, and systems neuroscience by attending the formal Neuroscience Seminar series, meeting and discussing related papers, and meeting with the speaker, Students will be expected to critically analyze new results and put them in context of published literature. Course meets for 10 weeks spread out over 3 quarters. Offered every year.
248 Analysis of Neural and Behavioral Data (3 units) Winter
Course will not be offered in: Winter 2026
Instructor(s): L. Frank Prerequisite(s): NEUROSCI 201A, NEUROSCI 201B, or consent of course director. Previous Matlab experience strongly suggested.
Restrictions: None. Activities: Direct - Lecture, Direct - Independent Study, Direct - Conference, Student - Lecture
Lectures, critical discussions, and problem solving using Matlab, a mathematical and data visualization program. Topics may include: probability, descriptive statistics, binomial and poisson processes, analysis of spike trains, and analysis of dynamic neural and behavioral data. Problem sets include statistical analysis and simulation of neural and behavioral data. Previous Matlab experience strongly suggested. Offered every two years beginning Spring 2004
250 Research (1 - 8 units) Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer
Instructor(s): Staff Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
Restrictions: None Activities: Direct - Lab-Science, Direct - Project, Direct - Independent Study, Direct - Conference
Dissertation research.