Course Catalog » Course Listing for Pediatric Dentistry

181  Managing Child and Adolescent Behavior in the Dental Setting  (1 units)   Spring

Instructor(s): J. Star       Prerequisite(s): No prior skills needed

Restrictions: Only open to first and second year dental students       Activities: Direct - Lecture, Direct - Discussion, Direct - Clinical Experience/Patient Contact, Student - Lecture, Student - Discussion, Student - Clinical Experience/Patient Contact

This elective course is intended to provide dental students with an introductory understanding of skills and knowledge in varying specialized methods and approaches for effective behavior management for children and adolescents in the dental setting. As they shadow in the pediatric dental clinic, students will gain skills in patient communication for children at different developmental levels. Learners in this course will also review and understand the scientific evidence for behavior management

195.05  Management and Care of Vulnerable and SHCNP patients  (0 - 0.5 units)   Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

Instructor(s): L. Zhan, T. Tanbonliong       Prerequisite(s): Completion of PT CN CARE 105A or PT CN CARE 105B.

Restrictions: Open to D4 Students only. Limited to a total of 8 students.       Activities: Direct - Lecture, Direct - Clinical Experience/Patient Contact, Student - Lecture

This elective aims to introduce dental students to providing care for patients with special health care needs (SHCN), medically complex patients and patients from underserved backgrounds. Didactic and clinical sessions on innovative care models such as a) medical dental integration, b) school-based care, c) teledentistry, d) desensitization clinics, and e) advanced behavior guidance will be covered.

406  Adv Pediatric Dentistry Seminar  (1 units)   Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

Instructor(s): T. Le, J. Kim       Prerequisite(s): None

Restrictions: Enrollment in postdoctoral pediatric dentistry programs or consent of instructor.       Activities: Direct - Seminar, Student - Seminar, Student - Project

This didactic course provides a foundation in evidence-based pediatric dentistry, with a focus on developing critical thinking skills and ability to apply knowledge to clinical care. Students learn advanced concepts in diagnosis, treatment planning and management including for patients requiring general anesthesia, conscious sedation and interdisciplinary care through faculty topic and case-based presentations and group discussions. Emphasis and expectations shift as students advance.

407  Literature Review  (1.5 units)   Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

Instructor(s): T. Le, J. Kim       Prerequisite(s): None

Restrictions: Enrollment in postdoctoral pediatric dentistry programs or consent of instructor.       Activities: Direct - Seminar, Student - Seminar, Student - Project

Students will review the basic literature that is the foundation for the clinical practice of pediatric dentistry. The course will assist students in developing skills to evaluate literature and analyze research methods critically. Emphasis, topics and expectations shift as students advance.

409  Pediatric Dentistry Clinic  (4 - 6 units)   Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

Instructor(s): T. Le, J. Kim       Prerequisite(s): None

Restrictions: Enrollment in postdoctoral pediatric dentistry programs or consent of instructor.       Activities: Direct - Clinical Experience/Patient Contact

This clinical course provides comprehensive experience in treating pediatric patients including those with special health care needs. Students learn to diagnose patients' dental needs, execute necessary diagnostics, design treatment approaches, utilize behavior management techniques, provide treatment in multiple areas (including preventive and restorative dentistry) and complete a preventative regimen suitable for patients' caries assessment. Expectations shift each quarter as learner advances.

409.10  Hospital Dental Practice  (1 units)   Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

Instructor(s): L. Zhan       Prerequisite(s): None

Restrictions: Enrollment in 2nd year or 3rd year of postgraduate pediatric dentistry program.       Activities: Direct - Clinical Experience/Patient Contact

This clinical course provides in-depth clinical experience in the dental management of medically compromised and developmentally and physically disabled patients in both the outpatient and inpatient settings. Students function as a leading provider in the OR, providing pre and post assessment and complete a required number of OR cases. The course also includes exposure to the latest approaches in pediatric medicine as it relates to treatment of the medically complex patient. .

409.20  Conscious Sedation Clinic  (0.5 units)   Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

Instructor(s): T. Le, J. Kim       Prerequisite(s): None

Restrictions: Enrollment in 2nd year or 3rd year of pediatric dentistry graduate program.       Activities: Direct - Seminar, Direct - Clinical Experience/Patient Contact, Student - Seminar

This clinical clerkship provides a comprehensive experience in evaluating and providing dental care for the anxious and behaviorally challenged pediatric dental patient using oral conscious and inhalation sedation. Residents are expected to apply their knowledge of oral sedation guidelines, various agents used, end to end procedure, and management of sedation related emergencies while providing clinical care under direct faculty supervision. Expectations shift as resident advances.

411  Intro Advanced Pediatric Dentistry  (1.5 units)   Fall, Summer

Instructor(s): T. Le       Prerequisite(s): None.

Restrictions: Enrollment in 1st-year postdoctoral pediatric dentistry program or consent of instructor.       Activities: Direct - Seminar, Student - Seminar

This didactic course is designed to introduce students to advanced pediatric dentistry concepts and techniques. Lectures include a wide range of topics: treatment planning, behavior management, anesthesia/oral sedation, pulp therapies, dental materials, orthodontics and clinical procedures. Literature review sessions are included. The overall goal of the course is to prepare students for their advanced seminars and for rendering clinical treatment. Emphasis and topics vary as students advance.

415  Introduction to Hospital Dentistry  (1 units)   Winter, Spring

Instructor(s): L. Zhan       Prerequisite(s): None.

Restrictions: Enrollment in pediatric dentistry postgraduate program.       Activities: Direct - Seminar, Direct - Clinical Experience/Patient Contact, Student - Seminar

This clinically focused course provides an introduction to the practice of dentistry in the hospital setting. Students will learn fundamentals involved in providing consultative services, evaluation and provision of comprehensive dental care in the hospital inpatient and outpatient setting. In addition to starting inpatient consultations, they learn to assist the team in the OR. This course is designed to prepare the students for a more advanced role in hospital dentistry in their second year.

416  Orthodontics for Pediatric Dentists  (1 units)   Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

Instructor(s): H. Lin, T. Le, T. Tanbonliong       Prerequisite(s): None.

Restrictions: Ped Dental Post-Graduate students at UCSF.       Activities: Direct - Lecture, Direct - Clinical Experience/Patient Contact, Student - Lecture

This course is designed to teach pediatric dental postgraduates to understand growth and development, learn to diagnose and formulate proper treatment plans of primary and mixed dentition malocclusion, and apply this knowledge to clinical care for children and adolescents. Emphasis and expectations shift as students advance.

429  General Anesthesia Rotation  (5 units)   Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

Instructor(s): T. Le, J. Kim       Prerequisite(s): None.

Restrictions: Enrollment in second-year of postgraduate pediatric dentistry program or consent of instructor.       Activities: Direct - Clinical Experience/Patient Contact

This rotation is intended to prepare residents to participate, as members of the anesthesia team, in the delivery of general anesthesia to the infant, child and adolescent. Students learn the effects of different pharmacologic agents, airway management techniques including induction and intubation, and perform pre-operative risk assessment and post-operative assessment and perform general anesthesia activities under faculty supervision.

439  Pediatric Dentistry Clinical Preceptorship  (2 units)   Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

Instructor(s): T. Le, J. Kim       Prerequisite(s): None.

Restrictions: Enrollment in 2nd year of postdoctoral pediatric dentistry program or consent of instructor       Activities: Direct - Clinical Experience/Patient Contact, Student - Clinical Experience/Patient Contact

During this clerkship, the post-doctoral student gains practice in clinical teaching to third- and fourth-year dental students in the pre-doctoral pediatric dental clinic. The post-doctoral student works closely with the pre-doctoral clinical faculty in providing clinical supervision. The post-doctoral student is also expected to prepare some lectures, presentations, or seminars on selected topics to enhance his/her teaching skills.

440  Topics in Pediatric Dentistry for the DPH Postgraduate  (1.5 units)   Winter, Spring

Instructor(s): J. Star, R. Stewart       Prerequisite(s): Completion of the following modules on the UC Learning Center: Dentistry Infection Control and Bloodborne Pathogens, Emergency Eyewash and Shower, The California Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act (“CANRA”), active Basic Life Support certificate.

Restrictions: Restricted to Dental Postgraduate students pursuing the Dental Public Health Certificate.        Activities: Direct - Lecture, Direct - Lab-Skills, Direct - Clinical Experience/Patient Contact, Student - Lecture, Student - Lab-Skills

This elective course is intended to provide dental public health students with skills and knowledge on the provision of dental care to infants, children, and adolescents in a public health setting. Students will learn aspects of anticipatory guidance for various age groups, concepts in behavior management of children, evidenced based prevention and interim therapeutic restorative techniques for use in low resourced settings, and how to perform a pediatric oral health assessment.