200A Laboratory Rotation I (3 units) Fall, Winter, Spring
Course will not be offered in: Spring 2025
Instructor(s): R. Souza Prerequisite(s): None
Restrictions: First-year students in the PhD in Rehabilitation Science program Activities: Direct - Lab-Science
Students will rotate through different faculty laboratories to learn new instrumentation and scientific methodology and undertake an individual study with emphasis on special problems in rehabilitation science including areas related to the student's long term interests, future research interests, or clinical specialization.
200B Laboratory Rotation II (3 units) Fall, Winter, Spring
Course will not be offered in: Spring 2025
Instructor(s): R. Souza Prerequisite(s): RS200A
Restrictions: First-year students in the PhD in Rehabilitation Science program Activities: Direct - Lab-Science
Students will rotate through different faculty laboratories to learn new instrumentation and scientific methodology and undertake an individual study with emphasis on special problems in rehabilitation science including areas related to the student's long term interests, future research interests, or clinical specialization. The goals of this course are to provide overall exposure to various lab environments to assist the student in identifying a lab in which to perform their dissertation work.
200C Laboratory Rotation III (3 units) Fall, Winter, Spring
Course will not be offered in: Spring 2025
Instructor(s): R. Souza Prerequisite(s): RS200A, RS200B
Restrictions: First-year students in the PhD in Rehabilitation Science program Activities: Direct - Lab-Science
Students will rotate through different faculty laboratories to learn new instrumentation and scientific methodology and undertake an individual study with emphasis on special problems in rehabilitation science including areas related to the students' long term interests, future research interests, or clinical specialization. The goals of this course are to provide overall exposure to various lab environments to assist the student in identifying a lab in which to perform their dissertation work.
201 Introduction to Rehabilitation Science (2 units) Fall, Winter, Spring
Course will not be offered in: Spring 2025
Instructor(s): R. Souza Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
Restrictions: First-year students in the PhD in Rehabilitation Science program. Activities: Direct - Lecture, Student - Lecture
This required course for PhD students 1) provides an introduction to the areas of rehabilitation science research, and 2) provides historical perspective on the major issues in rehabilitation science. Students will learn about resources and on-going research projects within the University, and will read classic papers of the last 150 years with the objective of understanding the fundamental discoveries that have shaped the discipline of rehabilitation science.
202 Gross and Regional Anatomy (1 units) Winter, Spring
Course will not be offered in: Spring 2025
Instructor(s): J. Kinder, R. Souza Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor
Restrictions: First-year students in the PhD in Rehabilitation Science program Activities: Direct - Lab-Science, Direct - Discussion
Students investigate a regional of human anatomy with direct relevance to their area of research interest. Course includes mentored cadaveric dissection, radiological imaging, ultrasound imaging, focused study of embalmed material. Goals are to gain a deep understanding of the region of interest and to relate the knowledge to studies in the Musculoskeletal Biomechanics or Clinically Informed Neuroscience tracks. Example foci are lower limb joints, nerve paths, spinal cord in situ.
203 Doctoral Colloquium (1 units) Fall, Winter, Spring
Instructor(s): R. Souza Prerequisite(s): Instructor approval
Restrictions: Students in the PhD in Rehabilitation Science program Activities: Direct - Lecture, Student - Lecture
Forum to discuss current research of students and faculty members, practice influence on research, translation of research to practice. Topics: professional development, including manuscript reviews; selection of journals for publication of one's work; ethical decisions in publication, grant review, authorship; participation in professional organizations; best practices in teaching, research decisions, collaborations, mentoring; scholarship and funding opportunities, strategies, and decisions.
204 Application of Principles of Learning (3 units) Fall, Winter, Spring
Instructor(s): Staff Prerequisite(s): REHAB SCI 201, REHAB SCI 200A, REHAB SCI 200B, REHAB SCI 200C
Restrictions: PhD in Rehabilitation Science students Activities: Direct - Lecture, Direct - Workshop, Student - Lecture
Required instructional course in rehabilitation science problem-solving; taught by faculty members in the DPT program and other departments at UCSF. The course is designed to strengthen students’ understanding of the foundations of rehabilitation science and research knowledge, introduce effective teaching strategies, and improve problem-solving skills by providing the opportunity to serve as teaching assistants in various courses.
205 Biomechanics of Human Motion (2 units) Spring
Course will not be offered in: Spring 2025
Instructor(s): R. Souza, V. Cheuy Prerequisite(s): REHAB SCI 201
Restrictions: Limited to Rehabilitation Science students Activities: Direct - Lecture, Direct - Project, Student - Lecture
This course introduces students to the concepts of mechanics as they apply to human motion. The primary areas of study include anthropometry, kinematics, kinetics, muscle function, and muscle modeling, placing emphasis on the biomechanics of locomotion using the inverse dynamics approach for calculating moments of force and joint power.
206 Journal Club (1 units) Fall, Winter, Spring
Instructor(s): R. Souza Prerequisite(s): Instructor Approval
Restrictions: Students in the PhD in Rehabilitation Science Program Activities: Direct - Lecture, Direct - Discussion, Student - Lecture
Designed for PhD students in Rehabilitation Science to explore literature across the spectrum of biomedical sciences. Students will be assigned articles to read and present at meetings attended by students, postdocs, faculty and staff. Students will be expected to read articles outside of class time and come prepared with clear and succinct evaluation about each article. Faculty leads will provide feedback on article evaluation and work with students to hone their literature evaluation skills.
250 Research (0.5 - 8 units) Fall, Winter, Spring
Instructor(s): Staff Prerequisite(s): Instructor approval
Restrictions: PhD in Rehabilitation Science students Activities: Direct - Lab-Science
Students conduct research projects under guidance of faculty member. Projects must be approved by both the research mentor supervising the student and the program director. Students may initiate or become involved in established research programs under faculty guidance.
290 Rehabilitation Science Related Studies (0 units) Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer
Course will not be offered in: Summer 2024
Instructor(s): R. Souza Prerequisite(s): None
Restrictions: None
Utility course; for departmental use only.