130.01 CIEx - Urology (1.5 - 3 units) Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer
Instructor(s): A. Shindel Prerequisite(s): None
Restrictions: Medical Students in Foundations 2 Activities: Direct - Clinical Experience/Patient Contact
This is a Bridges Curriculum Clinical Immersive Experience (CIEx), which provide medical students in Foundations 2 opportunities to broaden and enhance their professional development in health care settings different from those of their core clerkships. Students will attend clinic and see patients with the attending or the chief resident. Students will also scrub in OR cases and learn to open and close incisions, perform cystoscopy, basic laparoscopic, and robotic surgical skills.
130.03 CIEx - Pediatric Urology (1.5 - 3 units) Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer
Instructor(s): L. Baskin, S. Buckelew Prerequisite(s): None
Restrictions: Medical Students in Foundations 2 Activities: Direct - Clinical Experience/Patient Contact
This is a Bridges Curriculum Clinical Immersive Experience (CIEx), which provide medical students in Foundations 2 opportunities to broaden and enhance their professional development in health care settings different from those of their core clerkships. Students will be paired with faculty and work primarily in the clinic and operating room. In addition, students will participate in multidisciplinary patient care conferences and learn the basics of pediatric urology.
140.01 Advanced Inpatient Urology (6 units) Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer
Instructor(s): L. Hampson Prerequisite(s): Surgery 110
Restrictions: None Activities: Direct - Clinical Experience/Patient Contact
This rotation is an advanced clerkship in Urology that is based at UCSF Moffitt Hospital and the UCSF Comprehensive Cancer Center at the Mission Bay campus. Students act as a sub-intern on the service and are actively involved in ward care, operative room procedures, and outpatient clinics. Attending rounds, weekly seminars with residents and a real opportunity to become an active member of the urology team.
140.02A Off-Campus Clerkship (3 - 6 units) Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer
Instructor(s): A. Shindel Prerequisite(s): Surgery 110.
Restrictions: 4th year medical students Activities: Clinical Experience/Patient Contact
Clinical clerkship in off-campus hospitals.
140.02B Off-Campus Clerkship (3 - 6 units) Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer
Instructor(s): A. Shindel Prerequisite(s): SURGERY 110
Restrictions: 4th-year medical students only. Activities: Direct - Clinical Experience/Patient Contact
Clinical clerkship in off-campus hospitals.
140.03 Advanced Urology Apprenticeship (6 units) Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer
Instructor(s): A. Shindel, B. Breyer Prerequisite(s): 4th year student in good standing
Restrictions: Student's planning to apply to urology residency only Activities: Direct - Conference, Direct - Discussion, Direct - Clinical Experience/Patient Contact
This is an intensive experience working closely with the leadership of the department of urology (chair, program director, and others) using an apprenticeship model. This experience involves time in both the urology clinic and the operating room. It is intended for students who are applying for a residency in urology.
140.05 Urology Selective (1.5 - 3 units) Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer
Instructor(s): A. Shindel Prerequisite(s): 3rd or 4th year in good academic standing.
Restrictions: None Activities: Direct - Lecture, Direct - Conference, Direct - Clinical Experience/Patient Contact, Student - Lecture, Student - Clinical Experience/Patient Contact
Over a 2-week elective this clerkship insures: 1) exposure to a variety of urologic disorders, 2) consistent exposure to urology MDs, 3) continuity of exposure over the 2 week period, 4) exposure to in-patient, out-patient and operating room activity in urology
150.01 Research in Urology (3 - 24 units) Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer
Instructor(s): A. Shindel Prerequisite(s): Must be third- or fourth-year medical student.
Restrictions: None Activities: Direct - Lab-Science, Direct - Project, Direct - Independent Study
Research project under the direction of a member of the Department of Urology.
198 Supervised Study (1 - 9 units) Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer
Instructor(s): A. Shindel Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor preceptor and approval of third- and fourth-year coordinator.
Restrictions: Medical students only Activities: Direct - Project, Direct - Independent Study, Student - Project, Student - Independent Study
Focused study and directed reading under supervision of a member of the faculty with the approval of the chairperson of the department.