Course Catalog » Course Listing for Patient - Centered Care

101  Community Clinics Externship Course  (0 - 8 units)   Fall, Winter, Summer

Instructor(s): G. Atwal       Prerequisite(s): PT CN CARE 130WI, PT CN CARE 130SP

Restrictions: 4th-year dental student       Activities: Direct - Discussion, Direct - Clinical Experience/Patient Contact, Asynchronous - Project

This course provides students an opportunity to advance their clinical practice ability while engaging an important group of patients in a community clinic. Students will be integrated into an oral health care delivery team in an underserved community, providing primary dental care to a diverse patient pool, including individuals who are healthy and sick, young and old.

102A  Clinical Fixed Prosthodontics and Implants I  (1 units)   Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

Instructor(s): N. Hastings, R. Acharya       Prerequisite(s): none

Restrictions: D3       Activities: Direct - Clinical Experience/Patient Contact

In this course, students will apply the knowledge and skills gained in didactic and simulation courses to provide supervised direct patient care in the diagnosis, treatment planning, and provision of fixed prosthodontic care as part of the patient’s overall comprehensive dental care. This includes onlays, crowns, bridges, and implant restorations.

102B  Clinical Fixed Prosthodontics and Implants I  (1.5 units)   Fall, Winter, Spring

Instructor(s): N. Hastings, R. Acharya       Prerequisite(s): none

Restrictions: ID3       Activities: Direct - Clinical Experience/Patient Contact

In this course, students will apply the knowledge and skills gained in didactic and simulation courses to provide supervised direct patient care in the diagnosis, treatment planning, and provision of fixed prosthodontic care as part of the patient’s overall comprehensive dental care. This includes onlays, crowns, bridges, and implant restorations.

102CD  Clinical Fixed Prosthodontics and Implants II  (1 units)   Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

Instructor(s): N. Hastings, R. Acharya       Prerequisite(s): none

Restrictions: D4 or ID4       Activities: Direct - Clinical Experience/Patient Contact

In this course, students will continue to apply the knowledge and skills gained in didactic, simulation, and early clinical courses to provide supervised direct patient care in the diagnosis, treatment planning, and provision of fixed prosthodontic care as part of the patient’s overall comprehensive dental care. This includes onlays, crowns, bridges, and implant restorations.

103  Clinical Orthodontic Rotation  (0 - 1 units)   Fall, Summer

Instructor(s): S. Oberoi       Prerequisite(s): none

Restrictions: DDS 3rd year student       Activities: Direct - Seminar, Direct - Independent Study, Direct - Clinical Experience/Patient Contact, Student - Seminar, Student - Independent Study

In this course, you will learn why patients seek orthodontic treatment, how to identify malocclusions, how to work up a patient for orthodontic treatment, basic treatment modalities, when to refer, and how orthodontics interfaces with general dentistry, as well as dental and medical specialties.

104A  Management &Treatment of Periodontal Diseases I  (1 units)   Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

Instructor(s): Y. Rajendran, G. Lin, M. Ryder       Prerequisite(s): none

Restrictions: DDS 3rd year student       Activities: Direct - Workshop, Direct - Clinical Experience/Patient Contact

In this course, students will apply the knowledge and skills gained in didactic and simulation courses to provide supervised direct patient care in the diagnosis, treatment planning, and non-surgical management of periodontal disease as part of the patient’s overall comprehensive dental care.

104B  Management &Treatment of Periodontal Diseases I  (2 units)   Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

Instructor(s): Y. Rajendran, G. Lin, M. Ryder       Prerequisite(s): None

Restrictions: Enrolled as ID3 students.       Activities: Direct - Lecture, Direct - Workshop, Direct - Clinical Experience/Patient Contact, Student - Lecture

In this course, students will apply the knowledge and skills gained in didactic and simulation courses to provide supervised direct patient care in the diagnosis, treatment planning, and non-surgical management of periodontal disease as part of the patient’s overall comprehensive dental care.

104CD  Management and Treatment of Periodontal Diseases II  (0.5 units)   Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

Instructor(s): Y. Rajendran, G. Lin, M. Ryder       Prerequisite(s): Satisfactory academic standing and successful completion of PT CN CARE 138.01 or consent of instructor.

Restrictions: D4/ID4       Activities: Direct - Clinical Experience/Patient Contact

In this course, students will continue to apply the knowledge and skills gained in didactic, simulation, and early clinical courses to provide supervised direct patient care in the diagnosis, treatment planning, and non-surgical management of periodontal disease as part of the patient’s overall comprehensive dental care.

105A  Clinical Pediatric Dentistry Rotation I  (0 - 2 units)   Winter, Spring

Instructor(s): B. Lin, R. Stewart, L. Zhan       Prerequisite(s): none

Restrictions: Restricted to IDP and DDS 3rd year students.       Activities: Direct - Lab-Science, Direct - Discussion, Direct - Clinical Experience/Patient Contact

In this third-year course, students will take patient histories, determine if there is a need to modify treatment based on medical or behavioral history, formulate treatment plans, and perform basic dental treatment for pediatric patients including oral evaluations, dental prophylaxis, sealants, and restorative care. Some students may also perform pulp therapy, extractions, or space maintenance.

105CD  Clinical Pediatric Dentistry Rotation II  (0 - 2 units)   Fall, Summer

Instructor(s): B. Lin, R. Stewart, L. Zhan       Prerequisite(s): PT CN CARE 136AB

Restrictions: IDP and DDS 4th-year students       Activities: Direct - Lab-Skills, Direct - Discussion, Direct - Clinical Experience/Patient Contact

In this course, students will take patient histories, determine if there is a need to modify treatment based on medical or behavioral history, formulate treatment plans, and perform basic dental treatment for pediatric patients including oral evaluations, dental prophylaxis, sealants, and restorative care. Some students may also perform pulp therapy, extractions, or space maintenance. Students will also observe complex pediatric dental care for infants and behaviorally challenged children.

106AD  Clinical Oral Medicine Rotation  (0 - 1.5 units)   Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

Instructor(s): R. Mishra, S. Veluppillai, A. Wu       Prerequisite(s): None.

Restrictions: Third year dental students and fourth year IDP dental students.       Activities: Direct - Seminar, Direct - Lab-Skills, Direct - Clinical Experience/Patient Contact, Student - Seminar

Students shadow oral medicine faculty/residents/attendings to become familiar with the most common oral conditions, participating in patient intakes and workups and establishing differential diagnoses, working alongside postgraduate residents in Oral Medicine. They participate in various tests and procedures including clinical testing of microbial cultures, exfoliative cytology, and soft tissue biopsies.

107A  Clinical Endodontics I  (0.5 units)   Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

Instructor(s): E. Wong       Prerequisite(s): none

Restrictions: D3       Activities: Direct - Seminar, Direct - Clinical Experience/Patient Contact, Student - Seminar

In this course, students will apply the knowledge and skills gained in didactic and simulation courses to provide supervised direct patient care in the diagnosis, treatment planning, and provision of non-surgical endodontic procedures as part of the patient’s overall comprehensive dental care. This includes non-surgical root canal therapy and emergency management such as pulpectomies and pulpotomies.

107B  Clinical Endodontics I  (0.5 units)   Fall, Winter, Spring

Instructor(s): E. Wong       Prerequisite(s): none

Restrictions: ID3       Activities: Direct - Clinical Experience/Patient Contact

In this course, students will apply the knowledge and skills gained in didactic and simulation courses to provide supervised direct patient care in the diagnosis, treatment planning, and provision of non-surgical endodontic procedures as part of the patient’s overall comprehensive dental care. This includes non-surgical root canal therapy and emergency management such as pulpectomies and pulpotomies.

107CD  Clinical Endodontics II  (0.5 units)   Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

Instructor(s): E. Wong       Prerequisite(s): none

Restrictions: D4/ID4       Activities: Direct - Clinical Experience/Patient Contact

In this course, students will continue to apply the knowledge and skills gained in didactic, simulation, and early clinical courses to provide supervised direct patient care in the diagnosis, treatment planning, and provision of non-surgical endodontic procedures as part of the patient’s overall comprehensive dental care. This includes non-surgical root canal therapy and emergency management such as pulpectomies and pulpotomies.

108A  Clinical Removable Prosthodontics I  (0.5 units)   Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

Instructor(s): R. Acharya       Prerequisite(s): none

Restrictions: D3       Activities: Direct - Clinical Experience/Patient Contact

In this course, students will apply the knowledge and skills gained in didactic and simulation courses to provide supervised direct patient care in the diagnosis, treatment planning, and provision of removable prosthodontic care as part of the patient’s overall comprehensive dental care. This includes interim dentures, removable partial dentures, and complete dentures.

108B  Clinical Removable Prosthodontics I  (0.5 units)   Fall, Winter, Spring

Instructor(s): R. Acharya       Prerequisite(s): none

Restrictions: ID3       Activities: Direct - Clinical Experience/Patient Contact

In this course, students will apply the knowledge and skills gained in didactic and simulation courses to provide supervised direct patient care in the diagnosis, treatment planning, and provision of removable prosthodontic care as part of the patient’s overall comprehensive dental care. This includes interim dentures, removable partial dentures, and complete dentures.

108CD  Clinical Removable Prosthodontics II  (1 units)   Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

Instructor(s): R. Acharya       Prerequisite(s): none

Restrictions: D4/ID4       Activities: Direct - Clinical Experience/Patient Contact

In this course, students will continue applying the knowledge and skills gained in didactic and simulation courses to provide supervised direct patient care in the diagnosis, treatment planning, and provision of removable prosthodontic care as part of the patient’s overall comprehensive dental care. This includes interim dentures, removable partial dentures, and complete dentures.

109A  Clinical Oral Surgery Rotation I  (0 - 2.5 units)   Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

Instructor(s): J. Perkins       Prerequisite(s): none

Restrictions: Third year DDS student.       Activities: Direct - Seminar, Direct - Workshop, Direct - Clinical Experience/Patient Contact, Student - Seminar

A well-rounded general dentist has strong abilities to evaluate a patient’s medical risk for elective and urgent dental care and identify higher-risk patients who require hospital based dental care or special needs. In this course, students participate in various clinical experiences to augment their understanding of hospital dentistry.

109B  Clinical Oral Surgery Rotation I  (0 - 1 units)   Fall, Winter, Spring

Instructor(s): J. Perkins       Prerequisite(s): none

Restrictions: Third year IDP Dentistry Student       Activities: Direct - Clinical Experience/Patient Contact

A well-rounded general dentist has strong abilities to evaluate a patient’s medical risk for elective and urgent dental care and identify which oral surgery procedures are within the scope of a general dentist and which should be referred. In this course, students participate in various clinical experiences to augment their understanding of oral and maxillofacial surgery, hospital dentistry, and physical diagnosis, providing exposure to some of the hospital-based domains of dentistry.

109CD  Clinical Oral Surgery Rotation II  (0 - 4.5 units)   Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

Instructor(s): J. Perkins       Prerequisite(s): PT CN CARE 109A or PT CN CARE 109B

Restrictions: Fourth-year dental students.       Activities: Direct - Seminar, Direct - Clinical Experience/Patient Contact, Student - Seminar

Building upon the foundation of knowledge and skills attained in PT CN CARE 109A, students will perform basic oral surgical procedures within the scope of a general dentist, and identify when to refer patients for specialty care. This course will also reinforce patient evaluation, medical risk assessment, diagnosis, treatment planning, and local anesthesia technique.

111  Principles of Interprofessional Practice I  (0 - 0.5 units)   Fall, Winter, Spring

Instructor(s): L. Gritzer       Prerequisite(s): none

Restrictions: D1       Activities: Direct - Workshop, Direct - Project, Asynchronous - Workshop

Contemporary health care involves teams to provide care to patients with a multitude of complex and chronic medical conditions. This course provides students an opportunity to learn about the roles of various members of the health care team, and how to effectively work in teams with members from other health professions. Specifically, this course includes the first three modules of the Core Principles of Interprofessional Practice for D1 students.

112  Principles of Interprofessional Practice II  (0 - 0.5 units)   Fall, Winter, Spring

Instructor(s): L. Gritzer       Prerequisite(s): none

Restrictions: D2 and D3       Activities: Direct - Lab-Skills, Direct - Project, Asynchronous - Workshop

This course provides students an opportunity to continue learning about the roles of various members of the health care team, and how to effectively work in teams with members from other health professions. Specifically, this course includes the last two modules of the Core Principles of Interprofessional Practice and also the Interprofessional Standardized Patient Exercise.

114  Principles of Interprofessional Practice II  (0 - 0.5 units)   Fall, Winter, Spring

Instructor(s): L. Gritzer       Prerequisite(s): none

Restrictions: IDP4 student       Activities: Direct - Lab-Skills, Direct - Project, Asynchronous - Workshop

This course provides students an opportunity to continue learning about the roles of various members of the health care team, and how to effectively work in teams with members from other health professions. Specifically, this course includes the last two modules of the Core Principles of Interprofessional Practice and also the Interprofessional Standardized Patient Exercise.

117  Introduction to Comprehensive Care I  (2 units)   Fall

Instructor(s): D. Mendoza       Prerequisite(s): none

Restrictions: D1 DDS Student       Activities: Direct - Lecture, Direct - Seminar, Direct - Lab-Skills, Direct - Clinical Experience/Patient Contact, Student - Lecture, Student - Seminar

In this course, you will learn about infection control, history-taking, prescribing and interpreting radiographs, and developing rapport with your patients. Your learning in this course will be centered on developing the self-reflection skills necessary to practice a changing art and science through regular reflective assignments. These are critical foundational skills upon which students will build in the subsequent courses in the patient-centered care stream.

118  Introduction to Comprehensive Care II  (2.5 units)   Winter

Instructor(s): R. Ho       Prerequisite(s): none

Restrictions: D1 DDS Student       Activities: Direct - Lecture, Direct - Seminar, Direct - Lab-Skills, Direct - Clinical Experience/Patient Contact, Online - Web-based course work, Student - Lecture, Student - Seminar

Now that you have learned the basics of creating a safe, professional working environment you will build upon your skills by conducting various patient assessments. With a strong focus on prevention, you will perform an assessment of a classmate-patient’s oral hygiene, caries risk, and gingival condition, and create an individualized home care regimen. This course will also continue to guide the development of self-reflection necessary to maintain skills throughout practice.

119  Introduction to Comprehensive Care III  (2.5 units)   Spring

Instructor(s): R. Ho       Prerequisite(s): none

Restrictions: D1       Activities: Direct - Lecture, Direct - Clinical Experience/Patient Contact, Online - Web-based course work, Student - Lecture

The final course in the first-year PCC course provides further experience with electronic health records and tracking patient attainment of suggested self-care skills. Assessments learned prior will be employed in collaboration with an upperclassperson during assisting experiences with clinic patients. Students will also be asked to conduct a self-reflection exercise about their experiences and learning during the 1st year of dental school.

128  Introduction to Comprehensive Adult Dentistry  (7.5 units)   Spring

Instructor(s): J. Perkins       Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of the first three quarters of the 2nd year curriculum.

Restrictions: ID2, D2       Activities: Direct - Workshop, Direct - Project, Direct - Independent Study, Direct - Conference, Direct - Clinical Experience/Patient Contact

In this course, students enter clinic and begin to provide comprehensive general dentistry and introductory periodontal care to adults with diverse ethnic, linguistic, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Students will work independently under faculty supervision, with mentorship from senior dental students and with support and guidance from their Group Practice Leader (GPL). Students will conduct oral evaluations, derive diagnoses, formulate comprehensive treatment plans, perform general dentistry.

129  Introduction to Comprehensive Care IV  (0 - 16.5 units)   Fall, Winter, Summer

Instructor(s): N. Abed, J. Perkins, Y. Rajendran, R. Rai, J. White, C. Kearns       Prerequisite(s): None.

Restrictions: ID2, D2       Activities: Direct - Lecture, Direct - Seminar, Direct - Lab-Skills, Direct - Field Work, Direct - Discussion, Direct - Clinical Experience/Patient Contact, Student - Lecture, Student - Seminar, Student - Workshop

Students will continue developing their patient care skills, from the new patient visit to establishing continuing care, building on what was learned in the D1 year. This is a longitudinal course that spans three quarters. This is a clinical prep. course where students follow standards of care driven by the electronic health record workflows, provide direct patient care to their classmate patients and treat patients providing new patient visit, needed dental x-rays, comprehensive and period

130  Community-Based Learning Lectures I  (0.5 units)   Fall

Instructor(s): G. Atwal       Prerequisite(s): All first- and second-year coursework

Restrictions: Third-year dentistry students       Activities: Direct - Lecture, Direct - Discussion, Student - Lecture

Through a variety of lectures and assignments, students prepare to provide oral health care at community health centers located in under-served communities. This course (PCC130) is the first of two lecture courses designed to foster an appreciation for community service and provide an introduction to the externship experience with emphasis on the social determinants of health and cultural competency in providing dental care to a diverse patient pool.

130B  Community-Based Learning Lectures II  (0.5 units)   Winter

Instructor(s): G. Atwal       Prerequisite(s): All first- and second-year coursework.

Restrictions: Third-year dentistry students.       Activities: Direct - Lecture, Direct - Discussion, Student - Lecture

This course is the second of two lecture courses designed to foster an appreciation for community service and provide an introduction to the externship experience (PT CN CARE 101C) with emphasis on the social determinants of health and cultural competency in providing dental care to a diverse patient pool.

130C  Community Clinics Externship Course I  (5.5 units)   Spring

Instructor(s): G. Atwal       Prerequisite(s): PCC 130A, PCC 130B

Restrictions: ID3 Student, D3 Student       Activities: Direct - Discussion, Direct - Clinical Experience/Patient Contact, Asynchronous - Project

This course provides students an opportunity to advance their clinical practice ability while engaging an important group of patients in a community clinic. Students will be integrated into an oral health care delivery team in an underserved community, providing primary dental care to a diverse patient pool, including individuals who are healthy and sick, young and old.

131  Foundations in General Dentistry I  (4.5 units)   Summer

Instructor(s): J. Vu, J. Perkins, E. Wong, L. Zhan       Prerequisite(s): None

Restrictions: D3 and ID3 students       Activities: Direct - Lecture, Student - Lecture

In this course, you will continue to build upon foundations of knowledge directly related to the delivery of patient care. You will review core knowledge and learn more advanced concepts in diagnosing, treatment planning, the steps for clinical care, and managing complications in general dentistry, oral and maxillofacial surgery, endodontics, and pediatric dentistry.

132  Foundations in General Dentistry II  (4.5 units)   Fall

Instructor(s): J. Vu, F. Finzen, Y. Rajendran, R. Vaderhobli, R. Stewart       Prerequisite(s): none

Restrictions: D3 and ID3       Activities: Direct - Lecture, Student - Lecture

This is the second in a four-course third-year didactic series. In this course, you will continue to review core knowledge and learn more advanced concepts in diagnosing, treatment planning, the steps for clinical care, and managing complications in periodontics, removable and fixed prosthodontics, general dentistry, and pediatric dentistry. Additionally, you will continue to build upon your framework for managing difficult patients utilizing techniques from the behavioral sciences.

133  Foundations in General Dentistry III  (4.5 units)   Winter

Instructor(s): J. Vu, C. Shiboski, J. Perkins, Y. Rajendran       Prerequisite(s): none

Restrictions: D3 or ID3       Activities: Direct - Lecture, Student - Lecture

This is the third of a four-course third-year didactic series. In this course, you will review core knowledge and learn more advanced concepts in diagnosing, treatment planning, the steps for clinical care, and managing complications in oral medicine, oral and maxillofacial surgery, dental implants, periodontics, and oral pathology. You will also learn about managing difficult patients utilizing techniques from the behavioral sciences, including issues related to diversity and inclusion.

134  Foundations in General Dentistry IV  (4.5 units)   Spring, Summer

Instructor(s): J. Vu, J. Perkins       Prerequisite(s): none

Restrictions: D3 or ID3       Activities: Direct - Lecture, Student - Lecture

This is the fourth and final course in the third-year didactic series. In this course, you will review core knowledge and learn more advanced concepts in diagnosing, treatment planning, the steps for clinical care, and managing complications in oral and maxillofacial surgery, endodontics, and orthodontics. You will also continue to learn about managing difficult patients, and engage in discussions about ethics, as related to the profession of dentistry.

139A  Comprehensive Adult General Dentistry I  (5.5 units)   Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

Instructor(s): E. Bender, J. Vu       Prerequisite(s): none

Restrictions: Third year dentistry student       Activities: Direct - Project, Direct - Independent Study, Direct - Clinical Experience/Patient Contact, Asynchronous - Project

With a solid foundation in the most common oral diseases and conditions of the oral cavity, the management of these conditions, the systemic conditions that may impact dental care, and technical skills, students are ready to begin patient care. In this course, students provide comprehensive general dentistry to adults with a diverse ethnic, linguistic, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Patients may be healthy or have complex chronic medical conditions. Students will conduct oral evaluations,

140CD  Clinical Skills Intensive  (0.5 - 3 units)   Summer

Instructor(s): J. Perkins       Prerequisite(s): N/A

Restrictions: Fourth-year DDS students       Activities: Direct - Clinical Experience/Patient Contact

This intensive clinical skills course is designed to provide students with the opportunity to increase their clinical competency to a level appropriate for completion of the Doctor of Dental Surgery degree.

141  Advanced General Dentistry I: 21st Century Clinical Topics  (1 units)   Summer

Instructor(s): D. Nguyen       Prerequisite(s): none

Restrictions: 4th year DDS/IDP dentistry students       Activities: Direct - Lecture, Student - Lecture

This course is the first in a series of four final didactic courses in the DDS and IDP curriculum. It is lecture-based and includes the following topics: principles of continuous quality improvement, types of lasers in dentistry, and advanced treatment planning concepts.

142  Advanced General Dentistry II: The Business of Dentistry  (1.5 units)   Fall

Instructor(s): D. Nguyen       Prerequisite(s): PCC 141

Restrictions: 4th year DDS/IDP dentistry students       Activities: Direct - Lecture, Direct - Lab-Skills, Direct - Project, Direct - Independent Study, Direct - Discussion, Student - Lecture

This course is the second in a series of four final didactic courses in the DDS and IDP curriculum. It is lecture-based and includes the following topics: lasers in dentistry, advanced treatment planning concepts, continuous quality improvement, and the business of dentistry.

143  Advanced General Dentistry III: Practice Mngmt & Acquisition  (1 units)   Winter, Summer

Instructor(s): D. Nguyen       Prerequisite(s): PT CN CARE 141, PT CN CARE 142

Restrictions: 4th-year DDS/IDP dentistry students.       Activities: Direct - Lecture, Direct - Project, Direct - Discussion, Student - Lecture

This course is the third in a series of four final didactic courses in the DDS and IDP curriculum. It is lecture-based and includes the following topics: principles of continuous quality improvement, advanced treatment planning concepts, dental practice models and management, resume building, and anti-racism in dentistry.

144  Adv Gen Dent IV: Integrated Clinical Case Pres & Cont QI  (1 units)   Spring, Summer

Instructor(s): D. Nguyen       Prerequisite(s): PT CN CARE 141, PT CN CARE 142, PT CN CARE 143

Restrictions: 4th-year DDS/IDP dentistry students       Activities: Direct - Lecture, Direct - Project, Direct - Discussion, Student - Lecture

This course is the fourth in a series of four final didactic courses in the DDS and IDP curriculum. It is project-based, and covers advanced treatment planning and quality improvement principles. Students will complete a group case presentation project and individual quality improvement project.

149C  Comprehensive Adult General Dentistry II  (6.5 units)   Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

Instructor(s): S. Lin, G. Tsuji       Prerequisite(s): none

Restrictions: Fourth year dental student       Activities: Direct - Lab-Skills, Direct - Independent Study, Direct - Discussion, Direct - Clinical Experience/Patient Contact, Online - Web-based course work

This course is designed for D4 students to build upon foundational knowledge and skills to provide evidence-based comprehensive general dentistry to adults with a diverse ethnic, linguistic, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Patients may be healthy or have complex chronic medical conditions. Students will conduct oral evaluations, derive diagnoses, formulate comprehensive treatment plans, and perform general dentistry. Students will work independently, under supervision, and with teams.

149D  Comprehensive Adult General Dentistry II  (8 units)   Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

Instructor(s): J. Singh, L. Harris       Prerequisite(s): none

Restrictions: Fourth year IDP dental student       Activities: Direct - Lab-Skills, Direct - Project, Direct - Independent Study, Direct - Discussion, Direct - Clinical Experience/Patient Contact, Online - Web-based course work

This course is for 4th yr advanced standing int dental students to build upon foundational knowledge and skills to provide evidence-based comprehensive general dentistry to adults with a diverse ethnic, linguistic, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Patients may be healthy or have complex chronic medical conditions. Students will conduct oral evaluations, derive diagnoses, formulate comp treatment plans, and perform general dentistry.Students will work independently, under supervision, & w/ teams.